Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Old Blog, New Blog

 I haven't looked at this blog in a long time. A VERY long time. Nine years. Not because I had nothing to say, but because I was busy pursuing other interests. Now things have changed (thanks, pandemic!) and I'm considering restarting my little scribblings to see what comes of it. 

I'll need to make a few changes. Like that profile picture. Was my hair ever that dark? And was I ever that slender? I don't recall. I'll certainly bring that up to date. The current picture is a headshot from my now-mothballed acting career. Handsome, but not really what I look like now.

And a lot of other things have changed. Like I'm no longer appearing in local donut and carpet commercials. I have moved on. I'll bring you up to date on the current state of my life as the situation warrants. Meanwhile, how are you? Does anyone still follow me on Blogspot? Drop me a note!

Until later,
